Conker Editions

Today is Barbados Independence Day

Three of the first black players featured in ‘Football’s Black Pioneers’ were born on Barbados and at least another seven had Bajan heritage. Use our interactive map to find out their names:

And read the book to discover their unique contributions to British footballing history!

Roland Butcher in Barbados (and Stevenage!)

Roland Butcher was interviewed recently on Channel DDX in Barbados where he is now a highly respected sports administrator. Cricket fans will probably know that Roland was England’s first black test cricketer and the first black captain of Middlesex, but how many football fans will know that he was the first black player for Stevenage? He was, and this is why Roland will feature in Football’s Black Pioneers, due to be published on 31st August.

During a wide ranging interview Roland was kind enough to mention the book:

The publishers, Conker Editions, are still taking advance orders and, if you are quick, your name will appear in the book as a subscriber: