It’s always nice when a previously unsung pioneer starts to get the recognition he deserves. Eddie Parris, the first black footballer to represent Wales, now has a commemorative plaque at the house near Chepstow where he was born.

Although Covid restrictions meant there could be no grand unveiling ceremony, the South Wales Argos recently featured Eddie’s story:
Eddie stars in three chapters of Football’s Black Pioneers as he was the first black player to represent Bournemouth and Luton Town in the Football League and Cheltenham Town in their non-League days.
People in the local community, one in particular who has asked to remain anonymous, have been instrumental in bringing this commemorative plaque about (with some help from us) and we applaud them for their perseverance and dedication to the cause. The work doesn’t stop here as Eddie’s father, also Eddie, who was originally from Barbados before he settled in Chepstow, is to have his unmarked final resting place, marked. Eddie senior served King and Country in World War One and was wounded for his troubles. You can read about Eddie senior. here
Both Eddies were heroes in their own way and it is such a shame that they and so many people like them have been largely forgotten. We salute them all.