How good is your knowledge of the first black players? Answer the ten questions at the bottom of the page to find out!
– Use your mouse or keyboard arrow keys to move from square to square.
– Where your answer has more than one word do not leave a space between words.
– Correct answers will be highlighted in green (red if your answer is wrong).
– To change a letter, place your cursor over that square and hit the delete key.
– Answers are not case sensitive.
The correct answers are all in Football’s Black Pioneers – somewhere!
Good luck!
1. Walter xxxx, the first black player for Tottenham Hotspur
2. One of the 'Three Degrees', Brendon xxxxxx
3. Viv Anderson played for Nottingham xxxxxx
4. Another one of the 'Three Degrees', Laurie Cxxxxxxxxm
5. A TV pundit who was born on Christmas Day, xxxxx Kamara
6. Willie Clarke was the first black player for xxxxx Villa
7. The first black professional footballer ever, Arthur xxxxxxx
8. Dave Busby was the first black player for Brighton and xxxx Albion
9. Tommy Best was the first black player for Queens xxxx Rangers
10. He only played once for Charlton xxxxxxxx but he was their first black player
Well done! Maybe try a harder test next time?